Dr. Nelson's Plate Tectonics Paradigm Unit...

...and Geoff Hagopian's Solutions
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Spinning globe
  1. View the movie of the computer model demonstrating mantle convection. This model has been generated using super-computers and earthquake data.

  2. Okie Dokie.
  3. How does this convection influence the spreading of the sea-floor?

  4. Good grief!  I could spend the next year on this topic!  Doing an Internet search on "mantle convection" produces
    Case Study: Mantle Convection Visualization at
    A search of periodicals at http://sciserver.lanl.gov/cgi-bin/search.pl (you need to search these through some library with access) shows a number of very erudite articles addressing this topic, including Effects of water-dependent creep rate on the volatile exchange between mantle and surface reservoirs by Franck, Siegfrieda; Bounama, Christine at Universität Potsdam, Projektgruppe ‘Allgemeine Geophysik’, PF 60 16 32, D-14416 Potsdam, Germany, which appeared in the Journal, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Vol: 92, Issue: 1-2, pp. 57-65, November, 1995.  The abstract for this article gives at least some indication of the complexity involved:
      "A parameterized model of mantle convection, including the volatile exchange between mantle and surface reservoirs, is used to study the thermal history of the Earth. The influence of dissolved volatiles on mantle rheology is reformulated. The weakening of mantle materials is described by a functional relationship between creep rate and water fugacity. We use flow law parameters of diffusion creep in olivine under dry and wet conditions. The mantle degassing rate is considered as directly proportional to the seafloor spreading rate, which, in turn, is dependent on the mantle heat flow. To calculate the spreading rate, we assume that the heat flow under the mid-ocean ridges is double the average mantle heat flow. The rate of regassing also depends on the seafloor spreading rate, as well as on other factors such as the efficiency of volatile recycling through island arc volcanism. Both mechanisms (degassing and regassing) are coupled self-consistently with the  help of a parameterized convection model under implementation of a different formulation of mantle viscosity. The model is run for 4.6 Gyr. Time series of average mantle temperature, volatile loss, mantle viscosity, mantle heat flow, Rayleigh number and Urey ratio are calculated. The effects of changing initial parameters have been tested and found negligible for the final results. Mantle water is outgassed rapidly within a time scale of less than 200 Myr for all numerical simulations. The present-day values of calculated parameters are in the generally accepted range."

    Similarly, the article Punctuated tectonic evolution of the earth by Geoffrey Davies of the Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, GPO Box 4, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia, which appeared in the journal, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol: 136, Issue: 3-4, pp. 363-379, December, 1995 has an interesting abstract:

      "The potential of a phase transformation barrier to cause mantle layering has been incorporated into calculations of the thermal evolution of the earth's mantle based on parameterised convection theory. A range of possible behaviors is demonstrated, depending on parameter values, including episodic layering, long-term layering or no layering. Novel findings are 1-2 Ga phases that might correspond with major tectonic eras, and that early mantle overturns may have caused global magmatic and tectonic convulsions. For the more plausible parameter values, the models are initially layered, but typically the layering becomes unstable and breaks down episodically via mantle overturns. Subsequently the models evolve into whole-mantle convection due to the increasing ability of subducted plates to penetrate the phase barrier as the mantle cools, consistent with geophysical evidence against strong layering of the present mantle. The early layering-overturn cycles may occur on timescales of a few hundred million years. The overturns replace cooler upper mantle material with hotter lower mantle material, and would cause global convulsions that potentially correspond with episodes of crust formation. Such models permit plate tectonics to operate in the Archean between overturns, though the early crust may record mainly the effects of overturns, which could generate, aggregate and/or rework large volumes of mafic crust in a short time. They would help to explain present degrees of depletion of the mantle in incompatible elements as well as strong upper mantle depletion in the early Archean. The early convulsions may have controlled the composition of the atmosphere and frustrated the development of life."
    While not all of this may be readily comprehensible, it's clear that this mantle convection is a central ingreadient in many models for the evolution of Earth's crust.

    Clearly there is much to learn here.  At the UC Berekeley site:  http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/geology/tecmech.html, we read that
    "Magma continuously wells upwards at the mid-oceanic ridges (arrows) producing currents of magma flowing in opposite directions and thus generating the forces that pull the sea floor apart at  the mid-oceanic ridges. As the ocean floor is spread apart cracks appear in the middle of the ridges allowing molten magma to surface through the cracks to form the newest ocean floor. As the ocean floor moves away from the mid-oceanic ridge it will eventually come into contact with a continental plate and will be subducted underneath the continent. Finally, the lithosphere will be driven back into the asthenosphere where it returns to a heated state."
