header schedule


Math 40 – Intermediate Algebra   
Fall ‘13
Section 3384

Instructor: Geoff Hagopian
Office: Math 12
Phone: 776-7223
email: ghagopian@collegeofthedesert.edu
Website: http://geofhagopian.net

Update for 12/05/13: I'm posting the old tests and solutions here:

test 1 and solutions
test 2 and solutions
test 3 and solutions
test 4 and solutions
test 5 and solutions
test 6 and solutions

Course Description

This course focuses on solving problems using linear, quadratic and exponential models with an introduction to the concept of a function.  Topics include solving and graphing solutions to polynomial and exponential equations, systems of linear equations, equations and involving rational exponents.  We also will study quadratic equations and inequalities in detail and have an introduction to logarithms.

Required Materials:

1.     Intermediate Algebra, a Modeling Approach  by Katherine Yoshiwara,
published by
XYZ Textbooks, either the paperback or ebook version,
ISBN: 978-1-936368-34-1. Here is a hyperlink: http://www.xyztextbooks.com/catalog/product/intermediate_algebra_modeling_approach
Here is a nice "getting started" guide:

2.   A scientific calculator is required for chapters 6 and 7. You will need the ability to compute logarithms, so look for a “log” and “lnkey.


On-Line Assessment for Lab and Homework:

We will use the xyzhomework system.  To get started, you will need the xyzhomework ID for this course, which is 2724.  Go to http://www.xyzhomework.com/imathas/help.php?section=usingimas#registering       

and follow the instructions for registering, logging in and enrolling in this course.  

In-Class Quizzes:

There will be regular in-class quizzes on the material we’re studying.

Chapter Tests:

There will be 7 chapter tests (about 1 every 2 or 3 weeks -  see the schedule) plus a comprehensive final exam.

The Math/Science Study Center in Room Math 4 and the ASC:

There are excellent tutoring services available in the Math and Science Study Center (Math 4) and in the Academic Skills Center, both of which are conveniently located in the immediate vicinity of our classrooms.

Attendance Requirement: 

If you’re not there, you missed it.  

Course Summary:


 Weighted %

Homework Assignments


Chapter Tests


Final Exam


In-class quizzes


