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November 24, 2005

NPR's Weekend Edition Sunday Chemical Symbol Puzzle -  2

I quotes about day is that it's only a day in this venue...a day near the day when I first started working on this business.  It is now actually December 6...a day that will live in posterity...or as an imposter. 

The WESun puzzle of  Nov. 13th, for those who'd like a refresher, is stated as

This week we have a two-week challenge: Write down these two chemical symbols, on the first line write LI, for lithium, and FE for iron. Underneath write NE for neon. And AR for Argon. Reading across you get the four letter words, life and near. And reading down you get, line and fear, completing a miniature word square composed only of chemical symbols. The object is to create a 3X3 square, composed of nine chemical symbols, in which each of the three rows across and each of the columns down, spells a word. You may use either one letter or two letter chemical symbols, but the idea is to use as many two letter ones as possible. Only un-capitalized words are allowed. Our source for acceptable words will be Merriam-Webster 11th Collegiate Dictionary.  What is the Samuel Johnson dictionary's list?

The plan laid out yesterday is still good today...because yesterday was two weeks ago, and by now I know it works!  

  • Get a list of all six letter words in a text file.  I googled "six letter words" and got to these lists of Scrabble words, which I (perhaps mistakenly!) took as good as gold.  If anything, I was worried about saying some of these words with a straight face.
  • Check all combinations of chemical symbols and see whether or not they're in the list of 6-letter words.  If they're in the list, write them to another file, which will contain only  (one hopes) many 6-letter words, consisting of three consecutive 2-letter chemical symbols, like CaBaNa (calcium, barium, Sodium.)
  • Construct a vector of vectors of strings consisting of 1 or 2 characters representing a chemical symbol.
  • Sort these alphabetically.
  • Use lots of programming structure to build an interlocking 3X3 grid following an algorithm something like this:
  • for each chemWord find all other chemWords with the same first symbol, but sharing no other symbols and fill the matrix with the first word across the first row and the second word down the first column. 
  • For each such gnomon, check to see if there's a 2 across whose second symbol matches the second symbol the 2 down (without repeating a symbol) and
  • check that if you've got a good middle, if there's a 2-down and 2-across combo that also allows for words in the 3-across and 3-down positions (without repeating a symbol) and
  • if you've found all the above, does the third symbol of 3-across match the third symbole of 3-down (without repeating a symbol) ?  If so, hooray!  print!

"Yesterday" the Royal We knocked off the first few bullets.  Here's code I wrote that will do the rest.  The result of running this program (provided the list of chemical words is in the directory you're running from) is to write a solutions file containing all the solutions that are found.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>  // for sort
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

//bool checkThree(string, istream &, ostream &);
int get6Words(vector< vector<string> > &vw, istream &input);
int get5Words(vector< vector<string> > &vw, istream &input, int, int);
//void findChemWords(vector<string> &, istream &, ostream &);
void printArr(string [][3]);
void printArr2File(ostream &outfile, string [][3]);
void printVvtoFile(ostream &outfile, const vector<vector<string> > &vv, unsigned size);
void bubbleSort(vector<vector<string> > &vw, const unsigned size);
void printVv(const vector<vector<string> > &, unsigned);
bool fit2downWith2across(vector<vector<string> > &vw, string a[][3], unsigned wordCount);
bool gotLastSquare(vector<vector<string> > &vw, string a[][3], unsigned wordCount);

int main() {
    char c;
    //keep a running total of how many words we've got
    unsigned wordCount;

    // vw is a vector of vectors of strings...a db structure to hold the chem words
    vector<vector<string> > vw(1200);//(0);
    //vw.clear();  //putting this in caused crash

    // Tap into 6-letter chem words file we built
    ifstream sixChem( "sixChemWords.txt", ios::in); //, ios::in
    if( !sixChem ) {
		cerr << "File could not be opened." << endl;

    // Build data base structure of vector of vectors of strings, each string a chemical symbol
    wordCount = get6Words(vw, sixChem);	
    cout << vw[wordCount-1][0]; //.end(); 
    //vw.erase( &vw[wordCount-1],&vw[wordCount]);  // this creates an error in devcpp but not vc++
    vw.pop_back(); wordCount -= 1;  //Somehow I'm getting a garbage string at the end
    sixChem.close();  //thoughtful cleanup that may not really be needed
    // Load up vw chem symbols from 5-letter words in pattern 1-2-2
    ifstream fiveChem122( "fiveChem122.txt", ios::in);
    if( !fiveChem122 ) {
    	cerr << "File could not be opened." << endl;
    // grow word count for 5 letter chem words, first in 2-2-1 pattern.
    wordCount = get5Words(vw, fiveChem122, wordCount, 221);
    vw.pop_back(); wordCount -= 1; // garbage at end?!
    // Load up vw chem symbols from 5-letter words in pattern 2-1-2
    ifstream fiveChem212( "fiveChem212.txt", ios::in); //, ios::in
    if( !fiveChem212 ) {
    	cerr << "File could not be opened." << endl;
    wordCount = get5Words(vw, fiveChem212, wordCount, 212);
    vw.pop_back();  wordCount -= 1; 
    // Load up vw chem symbols from 5-letter words in pattern 2-2-1
    ifstream fiveChem221( "fiveChem221.txt", ios::in); //, ios::in
    if( !fiveChem221 ) {
    	cerr << "File could not be opened." << endl;
    wordCount = get5Words(vw, fiveChem221, wordCount, 122);
    vw.pop_back(); wordCount -= 1;
    fiveChem122.close(); 	fiveChem212.close(); 	fiveChem221.close();

    // Sort the big list

    // Write sorted words to a file
    ofstream chemWords("chemWordsSorted.txt", ios::out);
    printVvtoFile(chemWords, vw, wordCount);

    // You may want to print word list to the console...or not
    //printVv(vw, wordCount);
    bool gotaMatch = 0;  // ...see code
    unsigned i,j,k,m,n;  // need a bund of counters
    // the matrix 'a' will hold the solution as we attempt to build it
    string a[3][3];
    // Create file stream for recording solutions
    ofstream chemSquares("chemSquareSolns.txt", ios::out);
    // Here's where we search for puzzle solutions.
    // Take advantage of the words being in alphabetical order.
    for(i = 0; i < wordCount; ++i) { //for each word in the sorted data base structure
    	for(j = 0; j < 3; ++j)    // Put the ith word in first row across
    		a[0][j] = vw[i][j];
    	k = i+1; // this is probably not all that good a thing! Miss some solutions.
    	//keep testing as long as the next word's first symbol is the same
    	// and there are no repeats--that's 4 additional comparisons!
    	while(vw[k][0] == a[0][0] && k < wordCount) { 
        // the kth word has the same first symbol as the ith word (which is in 1 across)
    	    if(vw[k][1] != a[0][1] &&
    	       vw[k][1] != a[0][2] &&
    	       vw[k][2] != a[0][1] &&
    	       vw[k][2] != a[0][2]) { // the second and third symbs of the kth word are new
            	for(j = 1; j < 3; ++j)// fill in first column's word symbols
       	        	a[j][0] = vw[k][j];			
			// Find the words the start with v[i][1]=a[0][1] and v[k][1] 
			// (first two while loops immediately below)
			// are there words such that the second chem symbol of each matches?, 
			// if so, find them (first two while loops) put it there
			m = 0; // m advances to a word (if it exists) 
			       // whose first symbol matches second of 1 across
			while(vw[m][0] < a[0][1] && m < wordCount) { //vw[i][1] 
				++m; //cout << "\nn = " << n;
			n = 0; //n counts to a word whose first symbol matches second of 1 down
			while(vw[n][0] < a[1][0] && n < wordCount) {
			    ++n; //cout << "\nn = " << n;
			// Starting with v[m][0] = a[0][1] and v[n][0] = a[1][0], 
			// look for a match in v[m][1] = v[n][1]
			for(int q = m; vw[q][0] == a[0][1]; ++q)
			    for(int r = n; vw[r][0] == a[1][0]; ++r) {
				if(vw[q][1]==vw[r][1])  // this might be a good place to check for doubles
				    // we found a match in the middle so fill in 2 across and 2 down
				    a[1][1] = vw[q][1]; a[1][2] = vw[r][2]; a[2][1] = vw[q][2];
				    // find 3rd symbs that could be seconds for the cross thirds
					    if(fit2downWith2across(vw,a,wordCount)) {
						if(gotLastSquare(vw,a,wordCount)) {
						    printArr2File(chemSquares, a );
						} //end print solution if
					    } // end 2-down & 2-across if
				} //end if fit2downWith2across
			   } //end for loops
	    // end 1 down symbols are new ones if	
	    ++k; //cout << "\nk = " << k; // check next word to see if it's the same	
	}// end while 1-down and 1-across match first symbols
    }// end for i

    cin >> c; //pause
    return 0;
}  //end main ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

int get6Words(vector<vector<string> > &vw, istream &input) {
  // accumulate the characters in cSymbol in pairs and load these into 
  // sets of three 2-letter strings in each vector of the vector of vectors of strings
    string cSymbol = "";
    unsigned j=0;  // char c; cin >> c;
    input.clear(); //	cout << "\nhi there after clear";
    char letter;
    while( !input.eof() ) {
    	for(int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
    	    cSymbol = "";
            for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++ i) {
        	input >> letter;
		cSymbol += letter;
		    } //cout << "\ncSymbol = " << cSymbol << " and j = " << j;
	    } // end word vector for 
	    // for(int y = 0; y < 3; ++y) cout << "\nvw[" << j << "][" << y << "] = " << vw[j][y];
    } // end while
    return j;
} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

int get5Words(vector< vector<string> > &vw, istream &input, int j, int pattern) {
    //get5Words takes pattern to follow either 221, 212 or 122 pattern
    char letter;
    string cSymbol; //vw.pop_back();
    int i,k,p; //char c; //input.clear();
    while( !input.eof() ) {
    	p = pattern;
    	for(k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
            cSymbol = "";
		for(i = 0; i < p%10; ++i) {
			input >> letter; //cout << "\nletter = " << letter;
			cSymbol += letter; //cout << "\nword = " << word;
		} //end for
		p /= 10;  // read pattern
		//cout << "\nvw[" << j << "][0] = " << vw[j][0];
	} // end word vector for
    } // end while
    return j;
} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

bool fit2downWith2across(vector<vector<string> > &vw, string a[][3], unsigned wordCount) {
    bool foundFirst = false, foundSecond = false;
    unsigned x=0,y=0;//,m,n;
    // Trying to match the 3 across and 3 down words now
    // advance x, y counters to positions in alphabetized list...or to end
    while(vw[x][0]<a[2][0] && x < wordCount) ++x;  
    while(vw[y][0]<a[0][2] && y < wordCount) ++y;
    while(x < wordCount && vw[x][0] == a[2][0] && !foundFirst) {
      //if 2nd symbs of xth word and 3across match and are new, skip to next while
      if(vw[x][1] == a[2][1] && a[2][1] != a[0][0]
  			     && a[2][1] != a[1][0]
			     && a[2][1] != a[0][2]) 
		foundFirst = true;
    while(y < wordCount && vw[y][0] == a[0][2] && !foundSecond) {
      //if 2nd symbs of yth word and 3down match and are new, return
      if(vw[y][1] == a[1][2] && a[1][2] != a[0][0]
  			     && a[1][2] != a[0][1]
			     && a[1][2] != a[2][0]
			     && a[1][2] != a[2][1]) 
                foundSecond = true;
    return (foundFirst && foundSecond);
}   //end fit2downWith2Across ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bool gotLastSquare(vector<vector<string> > &vw, string a[][3], unsigned wordCount) {
    bool found = false; //char c;
    unsigned x=0,y=0; //cout << "\nWe're here in gotLastSquare.";
    // 1&2across and 1&2down are matched, so we're looking to see if the bottom square is good too
    // advance x, y counters to first symbol position--it might be better to pass these parameters?
    while(vw[x][0]<a[2][0] && x < wordCount) ++x;
    while(vw[y][0]<a[0][2] && y < wordCount) ++y;
    // Assuming the database (v of v of s) is sorted 
    while(vw[x][0]==a[2][0] && vw[x][1]<a[2][1] && x < wordCount) ++x;
    while(vw[y][0]==a[0][2] && vw[y][1]<a[1][2] && y < wordCount) ++y;
    // cout<<"\nvw["<<x<<"][2]="<<vw[x][2]<<"=?vw["<<y<<"][2]="<<vw[y][2];
    if( vw[x][2]==vw[y][2] && vw[x][2]!=a[0][0]
      			   && vw[x][2] != a[1][0]
			   && vw[x][2] != a[0][1]
			   && vw[x][2] != a[1][1]) 
    {     // if we find a new symbol that makes 3across and 3down words, put it in!!
	a[2][2] = vw[x][2];
	found = true;
    return found;
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void printArr(string a[][3]) {
    cout << endl << endl; 
    for(int h = 0; h < 3; ++h) {
        for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) 
	    cout << a[h][i] << " ";
	cout << endl; 
    //  cout << endl << a[1][0] << " " << a[1][1] << endl << a[2][0];
}  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void printArr2File(ostream &outfile, string a[][3] ) {
    outfile << endl << endl; 
    for(int h = 0; h < 3; ++h) {
        for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) 
	    outfile << a[h][i] << " ";
	outfile << endl;
    //	cout << endl << a[1][0] << " " << a[1][1] << endl << a[2][0];
}	 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void printVv(const vector<vector<string> > &vv, unsigned size) {
    int wrap1 = 0;
    cout << endl << endl;
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
	for(unsigned j = 0; j < 3; ++j) 
	    cout << vv[i][j];
        cout << "  ";
        if (wrap1%10 == 0) cout << endl;
} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void printVvtoFile(ostream &outfile, const vector<vector<string> > &vv, unsigned size) {
    int wrap1 = 0;
    outfile << endl << endl;
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
	for(unsigned j = 0; j < 3; ++j) 
	    outfile << vv[i][j];
        outfile << "  ";
        if (wrap1%10 == 0) outfile << endl;
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void bubbleSort(vector<vector<string> > &vw, const unsigned size) {
    //loop to control passes
    for( unsigned pass = 0; pass < size - 1; pass++)
	// loop to control comparisons during each pass
	for( unsigned k = 0; k < size - 1; k++)
	    // swap adjacent elements if they are out of order
	    if( vw[k][0] > vw[k+1][0])
		swap( vw[k],vw[k+1] );
	unsigned z = 0;
	//char ch;
	unsigned symCount = 0;
	while (z < size - 1 ) {
	    // count how many start with each symbol
	    symCount = 0;
	    string currWord = vw[z][0];
	    while(currWord == vw[z+symCount][0] && z+symCount < size) ++symCount;
	    //cout << "\nThere are " << symCount << " words starting with " << vw[z][0];
	    //cin >> ch;
	    for( unsigned pass = 0; pass < size - 1; pass++)
	        // loop to control comparisons during each pass
		for( unsigned k = z; k < z + symCount - 1; k++)
		    // swap adjacent elements if they are out of order
		    if( vw[k][1] > vw[k+1][1])
			swap( vw[k],vw[k+1] );
	    z +=symCount;
	} // end while(z < sizeO
} // end function bubbleSort