Stewart: Concepts and Context 11.5#42


If u = f(x,y), where x = escos t  and y = essin t,  show that  


Solution.  It’s important to note that we don’t know what f is, only that it must be twice differentiable with respect to x, y, s and t  otherwise the equation wouldn’t make any sense.  


Now, where to start?  How about the observations that 
, ,  and 
These are key in simplifying the first order partials:


What next?  What else?  Second order partials!  Don’t forget that, since we don’t have a specific formula for u, we simply write ux for uy for those partials.


Adding these together leads to some cancellation and you can factor a bit if you like:


Now we can safely assume that if u is well-behaved enough to have all these second order partials than its first order partials must be continuous and so  , and  

Substituting these into the previous result we have  

Now since , the desired (pant, pant) result follows.  QED