Math 2A  Chapter 12 TestProblems Solutions


1.      Consider the iterated integral  

a.        This integral measures the volume under the surface  and over some region R in the tu-plane.   The region R is described by the inequalities
Since ,  The region is sketched below with t as the horizontal axis and u the vertical axis.
One view of how the surface fits over this region is shown below:
> p1:=plot3d(1+cos(u)-cos(t-Pi/4),t=arcsin(u)..arccos(u),u=0..sqrt(2)/2,color=gray):
> p2:=plot3d([t,u,.7],u=0..sqrt(2)/2,t=arccos(u)..arcsin(u),color=gray,grid=[5,5]):
> display(p1,p2);


Since this last integral doesn’t simplify, we can use numerical methods to approximate it.  In Maple:
> int((arccos(u)-arcsin(u))*cos(u),u=0..sqrt(2)/2);

> evalf(%);

 This amounts to a volume  

c.       Fubini’s theorem applies here because the integrand is continuous and its first partial derivatives are continuous.  Since the surface is symmetrical about the plane ,  reversing the order of integration leads to the sum of two identical integrals
, where the last approximation is from Maple.  This is the same as the result from integrating the other way.



2.      Consider the thin plate bounded by  y = x and y = xn (n > 1) in the first quadrant with density distribution .

a.       The Mass of the laminar plate is  The moment about the x-axis is
The moment about the y-axis is

Thus,  and  

b.      The moment of inertia about the x-axis is=.
The moment of inertia about the y-axis is

c.       Thus  and

3.      The transformation  , y= v can be used to evaluate the integral  
by first writing it as an integral over a region G in the uv-plane.  Clearly,  and so   .  The Jacobian for this transformation is .  Also, , so .
The transformation  , introduces a discontinuity into the domain and in no way simplifies the integral and so there is no motivation to pursue it, other than a wild “see what happens” approach.

4.      The Maple commands
> p10:=plot3d([x,x^2,z],x=-1..1,z=0..1-x^2,color=gray):
> p11:=plot3d([x,y,0],x=-1..1,y=x^2..1,color=gray):
> p12:=plot3d([x,y,1-y],x=-1..1,y=x^2..1,color=gray):
> display(p10,p11,p12);
can be used to sketch the domain of integration of the integral , as shown below  
  It can also be expressed as






Maple can be used to verify that these are, in fact, the same:
> int(int(int(1,z=0..1-y),y=x^2..1),x=-1..1);

> int(int(int(1,y=x^2..1-z),z=0..1-x^2),x=-1..1);

> int(int(int(1,x=-sqrt(y)..sqrt(y)),y=0..1-z),z=0..1);

> int(int(int(1,y=x^2..1-z),x=-sqrt(1-z)..sqrt(1-z)),z=0..1);

> int(int(int(1,z=0..1-y),x=-sqrt(y)..sqrt(y)),y=0..1);

5.      A solid in the first octant is bounded by the planes y = 0 and z = 0 and by the surfaces  and .  It’s density function is .

a.       The object’s mass is =  




6.      To find the volume of the region bounded above by the sphere  and below by the paraboloid , we might start by writing these equations in cylindrical form:   and   .  Note that this reduces the number of variables to 2.  Substituting,  so the parabola and the sphere intersect at z = a and at z = 0.  This is evident in the Maple plot below (where a = 1 is chosen):

Apparently Maple failed to sample the point at the top, so it looks like it’s lost its lid!
The volume integral is best set up in either cylindrical or spherical coordinates.  In cylind3rical coordinates we have  
In spherical coordinates, observe that the curves intersect z = a and  .  Thus  
Of course, it might be simpler to compute the volume below the paraboloid and above the sphere and then subtract that from four thirds pi a cubed.

7.      In cylindrical coordinates,  the integral   is  

8.      The mass distribution  over the region bounded by ,  and

a.       ..has center of mass .

b.      The moment of intertia about the z axis and the corresponding radius of gyration.

9.      Find the area of the surface described by