Going Backwards: Converting a List to String
So far we have a way of entering in a number with more than 14 digits. Assuming we have procedures for operating on these, we'll then need some way to output the result. The following algorithm makes use of the way the "+" is overloaded on the '85 so that strings can be concatenated.
Program L2ST
:" "->ST2 //
Create and initialize string
:While C(B)==0
// Skip over leading zeroes.
: B+1->B
:For (I,1,dimL C)
// From 1st non-zero element to end of C
: If C(I)==1
// Handle each digit case separately:
: ST2+"1"->ST2
: If C(I)==2
: ST2+"2"->ST2
: If C(I)==3
: ST2+"3"->ST2
: If C(I)==4
: ST2+"4"->ST2
: If C(I)==5
: ST2+"5"->ST2
: If C(I)==6
: ST2+"6"->ST2
: If C(I)==7
: ST2+"7"->ST2
: If C(I)==8
: ST2+"8"->ST2
: If C(I)==9
: ST2+"9"->ST2
: If C(I)==0
: ST2+"0"->ST2
// End the For loop
:sub(ST2,2,lngth ST2-1)
// Print the number string
The While loop in the beginning serves to advance the current position in the list (C) to the first non-zero number before starting the conversion to a string (ST2). This is done simply because leasing zeroes add no value to a number. That is, for example, 00123 =123.
Consider addition first. If we want to add [1 3 1 2 4 1] and [2 7 3 2 1 2], (131241+273212) and get 404453, we only have to add the lists and, if a number is >10, carry the overflow to the next number. Using "+" to add the lists, we wind up with
:For(I,dimL C,2,(-)1)
Load [3 10 4 4 5 3] into C and run Carry. Everything's great, huh? Except for two little problems:
First work out the special
case when both numbers have the same number of digits -- say, n.
Dimension a list C with n+1 elements to hold the sum and add i-th
elements of addend lists to the i+1-st position in C. This leaves room
for a carry in the first position, if it's needed. For example, with addend
lists: [8 3 2 4 2] and
[3 2 1 4 5], we'd end up with
C=[0 11 5 3 8 7] which
becomes [1 1 5 3 8 7]
after a carry and then 115387
after a list to string operation.
For the more complicated situation where one addend has more digits than the other, irst dimension a list of seven elements. After this we'd add put the second number in the last six positions to have [ 0 3 2 1 4 5 7] and then add the first number to the final positions, to get [0 3 3 4 2 9 9]. All we have to do is check for carries and perform them, if necessary and we have our result. This is the principle used in the following source code:
Most humans are understandably reluctant to perform this computation by hand. When multiplied out they produce a famous number, RSA-129: so named because it was part of an RSA challenge. (Mark Janeba has an excellent article on the factorization of RSA-129, if you're interested.) The challenged issued was to factor the 129 digit number:
Representing the two factors as 64 and 65 digit lists, we have:
Ignoring the need to carry, the algorithm to we want to find these coefficients is just the algorithm for finding the coefficients of a product of polynomials. Then we can apply a Carry algorithm to finish.
The formula for the kth coefficient is sum(ai*bj,such that i+j=k). Where ai is the i+1 digit in A and bj is the j+1 coefficient in B. Note that this syntax doesn't correspond to the sum syntax on the '85. No bother, just compute all possible products of coefficients, choosing a digit factor from each using nested For loops and add them to a running total of the appropriate coefficient sum. Look closely at the nested For loops below and try a few examples by hand to see how they work.
Program =MULT
:0->C //Clear
out C
:Disp "Long Integer"
:Disp "Multiplication"
:Disp ""
:NL->A //
Input first factor to list A
:NL->B //
Input second factor to list B
:dimL A+dimL B->dimL C //
The digits in product is sum of factor's digits.
:For(I,1,dimL A)
: For(J,1,dimL B)
// Each product is computed once
: C(I+J)+A(I)*B(J)->C(I+J)
// and added to proper coefficient.
: End
To exponentiate a positive integer B to an integral exponent, N, we could apply the multiplication algorithm described above N-1 times, and dimension the product to the appropriate size, but this assumes that B and N may need to be more than 14 digits. Now, the number of digits in BN is 1 + log(BN) = 1 + N*logB - which can be a very large number, especially if the exponent is large. This can easily produce lists which are outside of the calculator's memory capacity. 2^123456789123456 will have trillions of digits! Even if the exponent and base are modest, there is a memory and time problem. For 125^99, the list will contain 1+iPart 99*log125=208 digits, occupying 2087 bytes in memory - a problem if you've got a lot of stuff in memory already. 999^99 is 297 digits which requires 2977 bytes in memory. It takes an eternity to compute and quite a while just to scroll throught the numbers on the screen.
Thus, we can safely assume that both B and N are ordinary TI reals with less than 15 digits. It's then a simple matter to dimension the list for the BN number using 1+iPart(N*logB)->dimL C, load it initially with B->C(dimL C) and then start the multiply and carry loop:
:0->C //
Initialize C
:Disp "Compute B^N"
:Disp ""
:Input B //
A is the base of the exponential.
:Input N //
B is the exponent.
:iPart (N*log N)+1->dimL
C //Note that 1+log(A^B) gives decimal
:B->C(dimL C) //
The (dimL C) is needed to keep the list type.
:For(I,1,N-1) //
Multiply A (already in C) by A, B-1 times.
: If max(C)*A>2E13
// If the largest number in C*A is
greater than 2*1013
: Then
// mult by A may get a list element with more than 14 digits,
: Carry //
so get a list of digits with equivalent value.
: End
: C*B->C
:End //
End For loop.
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 2]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 4]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 8]
. . . Keep multiplying by
2 until
2*244 > 2*1013
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 17592186044416]
. . . then do a CARRY
[0 0 0 0 0 1 7 5 9 2 1 8
6 0 4 4 4 1 6]
. . . and multiply by
2 some more:
[0 0 0 0 0 2 14 10 18 4
2 16 12 0 8 8 8 2 12]
[0 0 0 0 0 4 28 20 36 8
4 32 24 0 16 16 16 5 24]
[0 0 0 0 0 8 56 40 72 13
8 64 48 0 32 32 32 10 48]
. . . 9*216
does not exceed
2*1013 so
at the last multiplication
the list is
9*216 = 65536*[0 0 0 0 0 1 7 5 9 2 1 8 6 0 4 4 4 1 6]
= [0 0 0 0 0 65536 458752
327680 589824 . . . 393216]
. . . which after a CARRY
[2 3 0 5 8 4 3 0 0 9 2 1
3 6 9 3 9 5 2]
. . . and after the final L2ST,
2305843009213693952: the number
1 more than the 9th Mersenne prime:
The TI-85 handles the next 3 Mersenne
primes easily: 289-1,
2107-1, 2127-1.
In 1952, Robinson discovered the next 5 Mersenne
primes: 2521-1,
2607-1, 21279-1, 2203-1 and
How does the '85 do with these?
Why wait until the list elements are large to do the carry?
You can use the built-in factorial routine ([2nd] [x] [F2] [F1]) to compute factorials, but starting with 20! we loose precision. As the screen shot shows, we can get 13 accurate digits by subtracting off the leading digits, but the 14th is suspect since the 15th digit is missing and there may have been some round off.
Using the list type to compute larger factorials is quite simple, though you may wonder how we can compute log(N!), in the process of computing N!. There are two good reasons making this possible. One is that we don't need an exact value for log(N!) since we end up just taking its integer part, and the second is that log(N!) = sum(logk, k, 2, N).
:Disp ""
:Input N //
N is an integer less than 14 decimal digits.
:iPart (log (N!))+1->dimL
C // Formula for number of decimal
:N->C(dimL C) //
Enter N as the last entry in list C.
:For(K,N-1,2,-1) //
Be sure to enter [(-)] for negative
: C*K->C
: If max(C)*K>2E13
: Then
: End
:Disp ""
// Get AB and AC to subtract AC from AB
:dimL AB->dimL C //
Create C to hold the difference
:For(P,dimL AB,dimL AB-dimL
AC+1,-1) // Start at the right end
: If AB(P)>=AC(P-dimL AB
+ dimL AC) // Check to see if
you need to borrow
: Then
: AB(P)-AC(P-dimL
AB+dimL AC)->C(P)
: Else //
: 1->K
: While AB(P-K)==0
// Look for the first non-zero value
to borrow from.
: 9->AB(P-K)
: K+1->K
: End
: AB(P-K)-1->AB(P-K)
: AB(P)-AC(P-dimL
AB+dimL AC)+10->C(P)
: End
:For(P,dimL AB-dimL AC,1,-1)
: AB(P)->C(P) //
Copy the rest of the digits we won't subtract from.
The key elements of the subtraction routine above0 are used to do repeated subtraction with borrowing. There are tests to see if subtraction is required and then an index, I, keeps track of how many times the divisor is subtracted in a specific place value, P, which is in the list of quotient digits, C. When all that can be subtracted is taken out, I is the numeral written to that place value in the quotient. When the procedure is finished, the remainder is in AB.