SummerBridgeLogo.jpgCOD Summer Bridge Enrichment - 2011

Ken Ken


Definition: A Kenken ™  is a Latin Square divided into "cages" - groups of cells sharing at least
one edge - where there is an operation (+,-,x,/) associated with each cage showing the result of applying

that operation to the numbers in the cells.  If the operation is not associative and commutative (- or /) then

(typically) there are only two cells and the larger number precedes the smaller.


Here are some web sites containing good information about Kenken™ and Kenken™ strategies.


Harold Reiter is Professor of Mathematics, University of North Carolina at Charlotte and his site has a link to the Charlotte Teachers' Circle , a group of Charlotte area teachers that meets once or twice each month to talk math. They're a part of a national network of teacher circles.   One of their activities last year involved solving Kenken® puzzles and Prof. Reiter wrote a nice paper on Kenken® strategies.  ( )


Prof. Reiter recommends Tom Davis’ Kenken for Teachers:

This is written for teachers, but it’s just fine for students, too.


The official Kenken web site is:


The New York Times daily Kenken web site is:


Thomas Snyder’s website is promising:  


Reading through these and taking time to work the various problems and devise your own ought to keep you busy for a while.


Oh, and this is a kinda cheesy basic intro video: