Physics 5
 Class Notes
 May 5
 Array2D and Triangles


Here are some notes about what we covered last Thursday.


First, we discussed the treatment of pointers in a two-dimensional array.


// g hagopian  -  2 dimensional array handling with pointers

#include <iostream>

#include <ctime>


using namespace std;


int main() {

      srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));  // could assign random values.

      int **p2DArray;

      int M, N;

      cout << "\nDear User, how many rows would you like? Columns?: ";

      cin >> M >> N;

      // Allocate memory     

      p2DArray = new int*[M];  // first allocate an array of M pointers,

                               // the address of each first row element gets  
                               // an address.

      for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i)  //for each of these,

            *(p2DArray+i) = new int[N];  // allocate space for N int


      // Assign values

      for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i)

            for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j)

                  *(*(p2DArray+i)+j) = i+4*j; //rand()%10;


      // output values in a matrix

      cout << "The matrix is " << endl;

      for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) {

            for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) {

                  cout << *(*(p2DArray+i)+j) << '\t';

                  if(j == N - 1) cout << '\n';




      // output just the row header addresses:

      cout << endl;

      for(int i = 0; i < M; ++i) {

            cout << "\nThe address of " << *(p2DArray+i)
                 << " is " << p2DArray+i;

            cout << "\nThe content of " << *(p2DArray+i)
                 << " is " << *(*(p2DArray+i)) << endl;




      // output the memory addresses of the int elements of array

      cout << '\n' << endl;

      for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) {

            for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) {

                  cout << "Address " << *(p2DArray+i)+j << " has "
                       << *(*(p2DArray+i)+j) << " ";

                  if(j == N - 1) cout << '\n';




      // De-Allocate memory to prevent memory leak

      for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i)

            delete [] p2DArray[i];

      delete [] p2DArray;

      return 0;



Let’s see how this works.  The output of the program helps:

Dear User, how many rows would you like? Columns?: 3 3

The matrix is

0       4       8

1       5       9

2       6       10



The address of 00346218 is 003461E0

The content of 00346218 is 0


The address of 00346250 is 003461E4

The content of 00346250 is 1


The address of 00346420 is 003461E8

The content of 00346420 is 2



Address 00346218 has 0 Address 0034621C has 4 Address 00346220 has 8

Address 00346250 has 1 Address 00346254 has 5 Address 00346258 has 9

Address 00346420 has 2 Address 00346424 has 6 Address 00346428 has 10


Now for the triangles.

Here’s some code similar to what we did in class, but with a few extra member functions and using the LoopGDK() function to get continuous animation.

First, the header file.

// G. Hagopian Triangle.h


class Triangle {

      public :

            Triangle() {

                  _vrt[0][0] = 320;

                  _vrt[0][1] = 240;

                  _vrt[1][0] = 330;

                  _vrt[1][1] = 240;

                  _vrt[2][0] = 320;

                  _vrt[2][1] = 230;



          Triangle(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {

                  _vrt[0][0] = x0;

                  _vrt[0][1] = y0;

                  _vrt[1][0] = x1;

                  _vrt[1][1] = y1;

                  _vrt[2][0] = x2;

                  _vrt[2][1] = y2;




            void draw();

            void rotateAboutZero(float);

            void findCntrd();

            void rotateAboutCntrd(float);




    private :

            int _vrt[3][2];

            float _side1;

            float _side2;

            float _side3;

            float _height1;

            float _height2;

            float _height3;

            float _foot1[2];

            float _foot2[2];

            float _foot3[2];

            float _median1;

            float _median2;

            float _median3;

            float _mdpt1[2];

            float _mdpt2[2];

            float _mdpt3[2];

            float _bisctr1;

            float _bisctr2;

            float _bisctr3;

            float _circumcntr[2];

            float _incntr[2];

            float _cntrd[2];




void Triangle::draw() {






void Triangle::rotateAboutZero(float theta) {

      _vrt[0][0] = (int)(_vrt[0][0]*cos(theta)-_vrt[0][1]*sin(theta));

      _vrt[0][1] = (int)(_vrt[0][0]*sin(theta)+_vrt[0][1]*cos(theta));

      _vrt[1][0] = (int)(_vrt[1][0]*cos(theta)-_vrt[1][1]*sin(theta));

      _vrt[1][1] = (int)(_vrt[1][0]*sin(theta)+_vrt[1][1]*cos(theta));

      _vrt[2][0] = (int)(_vrt[2][0]*cos(theta)-_vrt[2][1]*sin(theta));

      _vrt[2][1] = (int)(_vrt[2][0]*sin(theta)+_vrt[2][1]*cos(theta));




void Triangle::findCntrd() {

      _cntrd[0] = (_vrt[0][0]+_vrt[1][0]+_vrt[2][0])/3.;

      _cntrd[1] = (_vrt[0][1]+_vrt[1][1]+_vrt[2][1])/3.;



void Triangle::rotateAboutCntrd(float theta) {

      _vrt[0][0] = (int)(_cntrd[0] +

      _vrt[0][1] = (int)(_cntrd[1] +

      _vrt[1][0] = (int)(_cntrd[0] +

      _vrt[1][1] = (int)(_cntrd[1] +

      _vrt[2][0] = (int)(_cntrd[0] +

      _vrt[2][1] = (int)(_cntrd[1] +





Now the main function:

// G. Hagopian - trnglMain.cpp


#include "DarkGDK.h"

#include "Triangle.h"


void DarkGDK() {

      const DWORD BLACK = dbRGB(0,0,0);

      Triangle T0;

      Triangle T1(100,100,200,200,150,250);

      const int DELAY = 100;

      //Triangle T2(20,20, 30,30, 50,80);

      //for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {

      while( LoopGDK() ) {









