Physics 5  Computer Science I  Spring ’11  Midterm 1                      Name_________________________

Write your responses to the following on separate paper.

1.      Perform each of the following conversions:

a.       Convert the binary number 1000001 to decimal.

b.      Convert the decimal number 99 to to binary.

c.       Convert the hexadecimal number FAFA to decimal.

2.      Suppose x = 7.  What will each of the following code fragments print to the console?

a.       if ( x == 7 && x <= 8 ) cout << "blue"; else cout << "green";

b.      cout << (x == 7 || x > 8 ? "blue" : "green");

c.       x == 7 && x > 7 ? cout << "blue"; : cout << "green";

d.      if(x != 7 || x != 8) cout << "blue"; : cout << "green";

3.      Farmer John wants to write some code to reduce his herd of 9 cows down to 4 cows, so he cobbles together the following (he’s a beginner, so he’s made some mistakes):

int four == 4, 9cows == 9;

While (int 9cows =! four);

    9cows -= 4;

if 9cows = four

   cout << "9cows = ", four;

a.       Find all the syntax mistakes.

b.      Farmer John also has a logic error in his design, what is it?

c.       Fix the code to meet what you think Farmer John’s intentions might be.

4.      Consider the code fragment below:

int n = 10, j = 5;

while(n<70) {

   j *= n;

   n += 10;


cout << "n = " << n

     << "j = " << j;


a.       What will this code print to the console?  Justify your answer by making a table of values for the variable values as the programs instructions are executed.

b.      Rewrite the code as an equivalent for loop.

5.      Consider the code shown below:

//  An implementation of the Collatz algorithm


#include <iomanip>  // defines setiosflags() and setw()

#include <iostream>


using namespace std;


int main()

{ setiosflags(ios::right);   // right-justify the output

  int n;

  cout << "Enter a positive integer: ";

  cin >> n;

  int count = 0;


  { if (n%2 == 0) n /= 2;

    else n = 3*n + 1;

    cout << setw(6) << n;   // use a field of 6 columns per number


    if (count%10 == 0) cout << endl; // prints 10 numbers per line

  } while (n > 1);

  cout << "\nThat sequence has " << count << " terms.\n";



a.       If the user inputs 1, what will be printed to the console?

b.      If the user inputs 13, what will be printed to the console?

6.      Consider the following complete program:

//  An implementation of pass by reference


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


void swapNums(int &, int &);


int main()  {

  int a = 10; int b = 20;

  swapNums(a, b);

  cout << "a is " << a << " and b is " << b << endl;

  return 0;



void swapNums(int &i, int &j) {

  int temp = i;

  i = j;

  j = temp;



a.       Describe the parameter list for the function swapNums.

b.      What does this program print to the console? 

c.       Since swapNums() doesn’t return anything, how is it that the numbers are swapped?

7.      What is the output of the following code?

#include <iomanip>

#include <iostream>


using namespace std;


void f(int &, int &);


int main() {

      int a = 124, b = 76;

      cout << "\na%b = " << a%b << " and b%(a%b) = " << b%(a&b) << endl;


      cout << "\na%b = " << a%b << " and b%(a%b) = " << b%(a&b) << endl;



void f(int &u, int &v) {

      u = u/v;

      v = (float)v/u;

      cout << "\nu = " << u << " and v = " << v << endl;

      //u = v/u;

      u = (float)v/u;



8.      Consider the pseudocode for BubbleSort shown below.  Rewrite the code as a C++ function using proper C++ syntax so that a main() function could call BubbleSort(a,8) where a is the array {5,3,1,9,8,2,4,7} and when it’s done a is the array {1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9}.

BubbleSort(int a[], int n)


   for i = 1 to n-1

      sorted = true

      for j = 0 to n-1-i

         if a[j] > a[j+1]

         temp = a[j]

         a[j] = a[j+1]

         a[j+1] = temp

         sorted = false

      end for

      if sorted

         break from i loop

   end for


9.      Consider the program whose complete code is given below:

#include <iostream>

#include <ctime>

using namespace std;


int main() {

      clock_t start, end;

      long double duration;

      int k;

      start = clock();

      for(int i = 0;i < 100000; i++)

            for(int j = 0; j < 100000; j++)

                  k = i+j;


      duration = (long double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

      cout << "Ellapsed time: "<<duration<<endl;

      start = clock();

      for(int i = 0;i < 100000; i++)

            for(int j = 0; j < 100000; j++)

                  k = i*j;


      duration = (long double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

      cout << "Ellapsed time: "<<duration<<endl;


      return 0;



The output of this program, when run on a Dell Optiplex 745 using an Intel Core2 CPU at 2.13GHz with 3.25 GB of RAM is as follows:

Ellapsed time: 9.751    
Ellapsed time:  9.719                                                             

Note: by contrast, running the same code on an Intel Core2Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00 GHz, 3.00 GB of RAM is

Ellapsed time: 28.562    

Ellapsed time: 28                                                            


What does this suggest about the time required to do a required to do a single addition and the time required to do a single multiplication?


10.  Write a program that prompts the user for the radius of a circle and then calls a function to compute the area and another function to compute the circumference.  Use pass by reference.  The following template may help:


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


void compute_area(double, double &);

void compute_circumference(double, double &);


int main() {

      // fill in body here



void compute_area(/* enter parameter list here */) {

      // fill in body here



void compute_circumference(/* enter parameter list here */) {

      // fill in body here



















Physics 5  Computer Science I  Spring ’11  Midterm 1 Solutions

1.      Perform each of the following conversions:

a.       Convert the binary number 1000001 to decimal.
SOLN:  26 + 20 = 64 + 1 = 65

b.      Convert the decimal number 99 to binary.
SOLN:  99%2, 49%2, 24%2, 12%2, 6%2, 3%2, 1%2 = 11000112
                                                                                      = 26+25+21+20 = 64+32+2+1 = 99.

c.       Convert the hexadecimal number FAFA to decimal.
SOLN:  15*163+10*162+15*161+10*160 = 15*212+10*28+15*24+10 = 15(212+24)+10(28+1) = 15(4096+16)+10(65) = 15(4112)+650 = 61680+650 = 62330

2.      Suppose x = 7.  What will each of the following code fragments print to the console?

a.       if ( x == 7 && x <= 8 ) cout << "blue"; else cout << "green";
SOLN:  blue

b.  cout << (x == 7 || x > 8 ? "blue" : "green");

c.  x == 7 && x > 7 ? cout << "blue" : cout << "green";
SOLN:  green

d.      if(x != 7 || x != 8) cout << "blue" : cout << "green";
SOLN:  As it is, it would be a syntax error which you could fix by changing the colon to a semicolon, in which case the output would be

3.      Farmer John wants to write some code to reduce his herd of 9 cows down to 4 cows, so he cobbles together the following (he’s a beginner, so he’s made some mistakes):

int four == 4, 9cows == 9;

While (int 9cows =! four);

    9cows -= 4;

if 9cows = four

   cout << "9cows = ", four;

a.       Find all the syntax mistakes.
SOLN: (1) The comparison operators “==” in the first line should be changed to an assignment operators.  (2) The variable name “9cows” is not allowed because it starts with a number. “While” should not be capitalized in the second line (3) where, also, the “not equal” sign is backwards (4).
The if statement that starts on line 4 is missing parentheses around the condition (5), which should use the comparison operator “==” rather than the assignment operator (6).  There is a comma instead of a stream operator symbol on the last line (7). 

b.      Farmer John also has a logic error in his design, what is it?
SOLN:  The while condition will never be met, so it is an infinite loop.

Fix the code to meet what you think Farmer John’s intentions might be.
int four = 4, cows = 9;

While (int cows != four);

    cows -= 1;

if (cows == four)

   cout << "9cows = " << four;


4.      Consider the code fragment below:

int n = 10, j = 5;

while(n<70) {

   j *= n;

   n += 10;


cout << "n = " << n

     << "j = " << j;


a.      What will this code print to the console?  Justify your answer by making a table of values for the variable values as the programs instructions are executed.
SOLN:  The output is
n = 70j = -694967296,
but who would have thought?  The values of n and j are tabulated at right, and it’s not until the very end that output is shown and at this point, 3600000000 >  232 = 2147483648, the largest value for an
int that the compiler allows.  The output is predictable since 232  3600000000 =  694967296


















b.      Rewrite the code as an equivalent for loop.  SOLN:

      int n, j;

      for(j = 5, n = 10; n < 70; j *= n, n+= 10) {};

      cout << "n = " << n

           << "  j = " << j << endl;

5.      Consider the code shown below:

//  An implementation of the Collatz algorithm


#include <iomanip>  // defines setiosflags() and setw()

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


int main()

{ setiosflags(ios::right);   // right-justify the output

  int n;

  cout << "Enter a positive integer: ";

  cin >> n;

  int count = 0;


  { if (n%2 == 0) n /= 2;

    else n = 3*n + 1;

    cout << setw(6) << n;   // use a field of 6 columns per number


    if (count%10 == 0) cout << endl; // prints 10 numbers per line

  } while (n > 1);

  cout << "\nThat sequence has " << count << " terms.\n";


a.       If the user inputs 1, what will be printed to the console?  SOLN:

Enter a positive integer: 1

     4     2     1

That sequence has 3 terms.

b.      If the user inputs 13, what will be printed to the console?  SOLN:

Enter a positive integer: 13

    40    20    10     5    16     8     4     2     1

That sequence has 9 terms.


6.      Consider the following complete program:

//  An implementation of pass by reference

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void swapNums(int &, int &);


int main()  {

  int a = 10; int b = 20;

  swapNums(a, b);

  cout << "a is " << a << " and b is " << b << endl;

  return 0;


void swapNums(int &i, int &j) {

  int temp = i;

  i = j;

  j = temp;



a.       Describe the parameter list for the function swapNums().

SOLN:  The parameter list for swapNums() consists of the addresses of two int.

b.      What does this program print to the console? 
a is 20 and b is 10

c.       Since swapNums() doesn’t return anything, how is it that the numbers are swapped?
SOLN:  The value of the first is put in a temporary memory location, then the value of the second is assigned to the memory location of the first.  Thirdly, the value of the first is copied from the temporary memory location to the memory location of the second.

7.      What is the output of the following code?

#include <iomanip>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


void f(int &, int &);


int main() {

      int a = 124, b = 76;

      cout << "\na%b = " << a%b << " and b%(a%b) = " << b%(a%b) << endl;


      cout << "\na%b = " << a%b << " and b%(a%b) = " << b%(a%b) << endl;



void f(int &u, int &v) {

      u = u/v;

      v = (float)v/u;

      cout << "\nu = " << u << " and v = " << v << endl;

      u = v/u;

      u = (float)v/u;


SOLN:  Let’s thread through the operations to see what happens.
int variables a and b are initialized to 124 and 76, respectively. Since 124 = 1*76+48 and 76 = 1*48 + 28, the output of the second line of the main() function is

    a%b = 48 and b%(a%b) = 28

At this point the values of a and b are still 124 and 76, respectively, and these values are passed by reference to the function f which renames them u and v, respectively.  Then the contents of memory location at u are replaced with 124/76 = 1 and contents of the memory location at v are replaced with (float)v/u = (float)76/1 = 76, so the output at the next line would be
      u = 1 and v = 76
The next two lines replace the contents of the memory location of 
u with v/u = 76 which is repeated with a cast to float, leading to the value, u = (float)v/u = 76/76 = 1 (so the cast doesn’t matter…)  and we’re back to u = 1 and v = 76 .  These are the values stored in the memory locations of a and b when control returns to the main() function.  So a%b = 1%76 = 1 and b%(a%b) asks for the remainder when 76 is divided by 1, which is 0. So the output of the program is

a%b = 48 and b%(a%b) = 28


u = 1 and v = 76


u = 1 and v = 76


     a%b = 1 and b%(a%b) = 0


8.      Consider the pseudocode for BubbleSort shown below.  Rewrite the code as a C++ function using proper C++ syntax so that a main() function could call BubbleSort(a,8) where a is the array {5,3,1,9,8,2,4,7} and when it’s done a is the array {1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9}.

BubbleSort(int a[], int n)


   for i = 1 to n-1

      sorted = true

      for j = 0 to n-1-i

         if a[j] > a[j+1]

         temp = a[j]

         a[j] = a[j+1]

         a[j+1] = temp

         sorted = false

      end for

      if sorted

         break from i loop

   end for


SOLN: This can be accomplished through a slight modification of the template functions swap() and sort() from FCC++ .  Note that bool sorted is not really needed here, but it may add some efficiency.  Also, there are variations on this that shift indices.

template <class T>

void swap(T& x, T& y)

{ T temp = x;

  x = y;

  y = temp;



template<class T>

void sort(T* a, int n)

{     bool sorted;

      for (int i=1; i < n; i++) {

            sorted = true;

            for (int j=0; j < n-i; j++) {

                  if (a[j] > a[j+1]) {
                     swap(a[j], a[j+1]);

                     sorted = false;



            if(sorted) break;


      // Invariant: the i largest elements are in the correct locations.



Similar syntax explicit for working with an array of int would look like this:

void swap(int& x, int& y)

{ int temp = x;

  x = y;

  y = temp;



void sort(int a[], int n)

{     bool sorted;

      for (int i=1; i < n; i++) {

            sorted = true;

            for (int j=0; j < n-i; j++) {

                  if (a[j] > a[j+1]) swap(a[j], a[j+1]);

                  sorted = false;


            if(sorted) break;


      // Invariant: the i largest elements are in the correct locations.


So the sequence of arrays is

9.      Consider the program whose complete code is given below:

#include <iostream>

#include <ctime>

using namespace std;


int main() {

      clock_t start, end;

      long double duration;

      int k;

      start = clock();

      for(int i = 0;i < 100000; i++)

            for(int j = 0; j < 100000; j++)

                  k = i+j;


      duration = (long double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

      cout << "Ellapsed time: " << duration << endl;

      start = clock();

      for(int i = 0;i < 100000; i++)

            for(int j = 0; j < 100000; j++)

                  k = i*j;


      duration = (long double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

      cout << "Ellapsed time: " << duration << endl;


      return 0;


The output of this program, when run on a Dell Optiplex 745 using an Intel Core2 CPU at 2.13GHz with 3.25 GB of RAM is as follows:

Ellapsed time: 9.751    
Ellapsed time:  9.719                                                            

Note: by contrast, running the same code on an Intel Core2Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00 GHz, 3.00 GB of RAM is

Ellapsed time: 28.562    

Ellapsed time: 28                                                             

Not sure what to make of the contrast in operating hardware , but what does this suggest about the time required to do a required to do a single addition and the time required to do a single multiplication?
SOLN:  Since the operations take place within nexted for loops, each of  which will do 105 iterations,  there are 1010 operation performed in each nested loop, meaning the average time per operation is between 9.7 and 9.8 times 10-10 seconds per operation, or approximately 10-9 seconds per operation, or looking at it from the reciprocal point of view, approximately 1 billion operations per seconds.

10.  Write a program that prompts the user for the radius of a circle and then calls a function to compute the area and another function to compute the circumference.  Use pass by reference.  The following template may help:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


void compute_area(double, double &);

void compute_circumference(double, double &);


int main() {

      double radius, area, circumference;

      cout << "\nEnter the radius of a circle: ";

      cin >> radius;

      compute_area(radius, area);

      compute_circumference(radius, circumference);

      cout << "\nThe area of the cricle is " << area;

      cout << "\nThe circumference of the circle is " << circumference;


      return 0;


void compute_area(double r, double & A) {

      A = 3.14159*r*r;


void compute_circumference(double r, double & C) {

      C = 6.28318*r;
