Computer Science II Calendar
Fall, 2018
Week | Monday | Wednesday |
16 20180522 |
15 20180514 |
Some of the quiz code: quiz01, quiz03, quiz04 The queens recursion fixed! nqueens |
CS7B-Final1S16 |
14 20180507 |
Project Ramsey was updated with some starter code: Ramsey |
13 20180430 |
CS7B-S18-Project03-Ramsey |
12 20180423 |
This is a pretty good run() function for an sfml game: GameDev |
11 20180416 |
Check out Hopson's game engine for sfml. |
10 20180409 |
GGVF (more virtual base class stuff) |
9 20180402 |
We cleaned up the calculator a bit and are working towards including in the SFML graphing picture: 20180403graphingCalc |
8 20180319 |
The midterm is a take-home due Monday 4/2. The bug was in the range-based for-loop of the set and get functions of the symbol table: needed to be passed by reference!~ Started Chapter 17: Building the vector class.
The calculator, pretty much as it was before: 20180321-calculator The sfml sandbox, with a new blinking cursor and graphic text getter: The project coming up is to combine the above two things with modifications to make it act like Algebra Arcade. Get the Apple II simulator here and access the DSK file to play Algebra Arcade and work on your math functions chops while you're at it! |
7 20180312 |
Using dynamic memory allocation with new to fix potentially undefined behavior and building a more robust Function class with the calculator. |
Ok, the bug in class was maybe fixed by searching stackexchange for the error message, which led to passing the string to calc() and then converting the string to a stringstream there. It doesn't crash...but it doesn't given correct answers yet, either...20180314 Ok, had to fix to_string() because it didn't work on my other machine. Made it a template function. Then...after some debugging, seems to work.20180314159, with plenty of room for improvement. |
6 20180305 |
Well, Plans A,B and C are a fail. We are restricted to not loading from a file on the school comps. sf20180305-02
5 20180226 |
Today we found that the lab computers CB::SFML template won't load a font file. This means we may need to move to Plan B. Meanwhile, we can build all of the struct Axis, except the label. Use the VertexArray class. |
A first rendering of the Axis class in SF: I don't think the "Plan B" referenced last Monday is going to work. Thus I suggest we consider plan C. Make a bootable thumbdrive and use the Linux OS environment to do our SFML proggies. |
4 20180221 |
President's Day Holiday |
Start in on Chapter 12. The bitwise calculator is now due. Email your .cpp file(s) to me at Follow the instructions in this video to install SFML on your computer and create a Codeblocks template. |
3 20180212 |
cs7B-Quiz01-solution |
The calculator as we left it: ppp2-7-4 Various versions of the calculator, as we left it. What's wrong with set_value in the 08buggy.cpp version? Hint: Grammar! |
2 20180205 |
Continue to develop the calculator. |
1 20180129 |
Introductions |
Here's the code we wrote in class: |